Why you should take this training?
This training is designed to discuss the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 14001:2016 standard, to assist in their interpretation and thorough understanding, to plainly show why it’s worth implementing them in an organisation. Also, it will help you understand the philosophy behind management systems as well as the following issues:
- Getting to know the requirements of the PN-EN ISO 14001:2016
- Acquiring the ability to interpret the requirements of the standard under consideration
- Identification of actions necessary to adapt a QMS compliant with PN-EN ISO 14001:2005 to the requirements of PN-EN ISO 14001:2016
- Getting to know the practical aspects of the implementation and functioning of an Environmental Management System in a company.
- Identifying potential errors and the most common problematic issues.
Who is it for?
- Company executives
- Those responsible for the adaptation of the implemented QMS compliant with EN ISO 14001:2004 to the requirements of EN ISO 14001:2015
- Candidates for Environmental Management System internal auditors
- Internal Environmental Management System supervisors
- Persons responsible for specific areas within an organisation
- Those who wish to broaden and/or consolidate their knowledge as regards Environmental Management System
Agenda of the training:
I. Introduction to the Environmental Management System (EMS):
- Environmental impact of business activities
- Human environmental awareness
- Pillars of the Environmental Management System
- Origin of ISO standards
- ISO 14000 series of standards
- Conformity of PN-EN ISO 14001:2016 with other standards
II. Environmental management systems compliant with the requirements of ISO 14001:
- Basic definitions
- Structure of ISO 14001 standards
- Presentation and interpretation of ISO 14001 requirements
- Environmental Management System documentation
- Environmental Management System certification and supervision
III. Practical aspects of implementing and applying EMS:
- Merits of implementing the Environmental Management System in an organisation
- The most common mistakes made when implementing the EMS
- Benefits of applying the standard
- Difficulties involved in EMS implementation.
IV. Examples of documents used in EMS:
- Environmental Management System Policy
- Examples of environmental management improvement objectives
- Environmental aspects register
- Procedure/instructions
- Checklist used during internal audits